
Denise Rose Hansen
Editor, writer, critic


© Daniel Hjorth


Denise Rose Hansen (b. 1989) studied Creative Writing with English Literature at the University of Westminster and received her MA in English from the University of Copenhagen. She holds a PhD in English from UCL, where her LAHP-funded project, ‘Minor Happenings: The 1960s British Art Novel’, explored the work of Ann Quin, Paddy Kitchen, Denis Williams, and Stefan Themerson, and these writers’ engagements with the art world. She was an AHRC-funded International Research Fellow at Yale Center for British Art, Yale University in 2019, an Anglo-Danish Scholar in 2020–21, and a Visiting Fellow in the Literary Translation Archive, British Archive for Contemporary Writing, in 2022. In 2018, she was awarded the International Award for Excellence ‘for newly published research or thinking that has been recognised to be outstanding’ by the Publishing Studies Research Network, and that same year she founded the independent press Lolli Editions. As a researcher, she has worked for Yinka Shonibare CBE RA and other artists. With Jeff Ko and Sara Thorsen Fredborg, she is co-founder of the November Collective, a group of experimental writers that meets monthly at Somerset House. She is Editorial Director at Penguin Press, where she publishes contemporary fiction in translation.


Breaking the Mould column: On Zsuzsanna Gahse’s Mountainish, tr. Katy Derbyshire, Mslexia, Issue 105, March 2025

Breaking the Mould column: On Renee Gladman’s My Lesbian Novel, Mslexia, Issue 104, March 2024

Review31’s Books of the Year 2024: On Yoko Tawada’s Paul Celan and the Trans-Tibetan Angel, tr. Susan BernofskyReview31, December 2024

Med socialrealisme som benspænd: Brigitte Reimanns Siblings, overs. Lucy Jones, ATLAS Magasin, 10 October 2024

At nære de døde: Profil om digter Charlotte Shevchenko Knight, ATLAS Magasin, 18 September 2024

Breaking the Mould column: On Danielle Dutton’s Prairie, Dresses, Art, Other, Mslexia, Issue 103, September 2024 

‘Don’t read this in a sauna’, review of Camilla Grudova’s The Coiled Serpent, Review 31, 30 July 2024

Anne Serre and Lucie Elven: A Leopard-Skin Hat, London Review Bookshop, 6 June 2024

‘Nævneværdige detaljer: Adania Shiblis Minor Detail, kritik og podcast, ATLAS Magasin, no. 6 December 2023

‘En klassisk reaktion: Sven Holms Termush, kritik, ATLAS Magasin, no. 5, 1 November 2023

Caroline Walker and Olga Ravn: Narrative and Motherhood, Barbican Centre, 19 October 2023

‘Et dobbeltværelse’, short story by Ann Quin translated into Danish, Weak Press, 27 August 2023

Lolli featured in ‘The indie publishing mavericks shaking up the UK books world’, The Guardian, 16 July 2023

Come along to the What the Water Gave Us launch at Burley Fisher Books, 29 June, 7pm

‘If’, short story in the anthology What the Water Gave Us, Takeaway Press, 29 June 2023

‘Særegen sensibilitet: Claire-Louise Bennett’, litterær reportage, ATLAS Magasin, no. 3, June 2023

‘Rejse gennem smitsomme sindsstemninger: Anna Kavan’, kritik, ATLAS Magasin, no. 1, 24 February 2023

Samtale med Emma Holten om Ann Quin, klasse, køn og seksuel frigørelse, Politikens Boghal, København, onsdag d. 22. februar 2023 kl. 16:30

Samtale med Karen Lerbech om Ann Quin, kunst, oversættelse og genopdagelse, Møllegades Boghandel, København, Thursday 23 February 2023 kl. 19

‘Ann Quin ville ikke vælge’, essay, ATLAS Magasin, no. 6, 21–22, 9 December 2022

Signe Gjessing, Max Richter, and Ray Monk on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, London Review Bookshop 17 August 2022

‘The Image of the Village’ by Jon Bang Carlsen, translated from Danish by Denise Rose Hansen, in: Strangers Within: Documentary as Encounter, ed. Therese Henningsen & Juliette Joffé, with texts by Khalik Allah, Ruth Beckermann, Adam Christensen, Annie Ernaux, Gareth Evans, Jane Fawcett, Xiaolu Guo, Umama Hamido, Marc Isaacs, Mary Jiménez Freeman-Morris, Andrew and Eden Kötting, David MacDougall, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Toni Morrison, Bruno de Wachter, and Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Prototype, 2022

‘Little Tin Openers: Ann Quin’s Aesthetic of Touch’, Women: A Cultural Review, vol. 33, no. 1, 21 March 2022

Tre af Ann Quin, oversat fra engelsk til dansk af Denise Rose Hansen, med et efterord af Tom McCarthy, Forlaget Basilisk, Copenhagen, November 2022

Anmeldelser af Tre:
“Den glemte, britiske forfatter Ann Quins Tre overgår andre modernistiske kæmper med sin præcision og sin gru. Det er så ensomt og dybt besættende... [en] litterær sensation... Sublimt oversat.” 
– Information

“Det er næsten ikke til at holde ud, men man skal unde sig selv at læse Tre. Turde se den trække sig sammen til en uhyggelig, klaustrofobisk knude. Og være parat til at spærre øjnene op, når den pludselig åbner sig i underfundigt præcise sætninger og sammenligninger.”
– Politiken ♥♥♥♥♥♥

“Et sært og besnærende bekendtskab der åbner for det rædselskabinet, vi kalder det stille, almindelige ægteskab... eminent.”
– Weekendavisen

“[U]rovækkende og uhyre velykket... en uafrystelig undersøgelse af et ødelæggende ægteskab.”
– Kristeligt Dagblad ★★★★★

Translator Jennifer Russell and editor Denise Rose Hansen shortlisted for the 2021 TA First Translation Prize, for Marble by Amalie Smith (Lolli Editions)

‘Mens vi venter på Ariel’, excerpt from novel, Addenda: Tidsskrift for ny litteratur, no. 8, October 2021

: Virtual Book Talk with Harald Voetmann & Johanne Sorgenfri Ottosen, Scandinavia House, 23 September 2021

‘Womb Magic: The Spirited World of Eileen Agar’, Lucy Writers, June 2021

‘Hvorfor læser vi litteratur om pandemier og katastrofer under Covid-19?’ Carlsbergfondet, podcast, April 2021

‘Reading parochially would be too much to bear’Lucy Writers, January 2021

‘The Real Thing’, review of Vigdis Hjorth’s Long Live the Post Horn!’, trans. by Charlotte Barslund, 3:AM Magazine, January 2021

‘Anna Syberg og det skrøbelige nu’, Curator, Spring 2021

The Dinner Party Reloaded: Meet the Translators: Susanna Crossman, Saudamini Deo, Denise Rose Hansen, and Emma Rault discuss different modes of translation, the fascistic notion of an “original” language and the ghosts behind translation, Lucy Writers, December 2020

Books from Denmark (translation DA/EN), Danish Arts Foundation, November 2020

‘Nødvendig litteratur i en pandemisk tid’, Stay Home, November 2020

‘Om dyr og mennesker: Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens monumentale kunst’, Curator, September 2020

Kirkeby på arbejde, poesi, Addenda: Tidsskrift for ny litteratur, no. 6, August 2020

Tools for Extinction, by Enrique Vila-Matas, Olivia Sudjic, Jon Fosse, Inger Wold Lund, Vi Khi Nao, Patrícia Portela, Lucie Elven, Mara Coson, Christina Hesselholdt, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Naja Marie Aidt, Michael Salu, Joanna Walsh, Jakuta Alikavazovic, Anna Zett, Emilio Fraia, Frode Grytten, and Olga Ravn. Translations by Margaret Jull Costa, Zoë Perry, Martin Aitken, Denise Newman, Paul Russell Garrett, Damion Searls, and Rahul Bery. Edited and with a foreword by Denise Rose Hansen, Lolli Editions, May 2020

‘At the edge of the country: Anna Ancher and modern painting’, Curator, May 2020

‘Hera’s Column’ by Johanne Bille, translated from the Danish by Denise Rose Hansen, Mayday, Fiction for the Future Issue, November 2019

‘The Limits of Love’, review of Hanne Ørstavik’s Love, trans. Martin Aitken, 3:AM Magazine, March 2020

‘In the Psychologist’s Chair’, review of Ben Lerner’s The Topeka School, 3:AM Magazine, October 2019

‘With My Back Turned on the Reader’, review of Enrique Vila-Matas’s “la Caixa” selection, Whitechapel Gallery, 3:AM Magazine, February 2019

‘On the Rims of Fiction’, review of Julián Herbert’s Tomb Song3:AM Magazine, April 2018

‘Per Kirkeby: In Praise of Diligence’, 3:AM Magazine, June 2018

‘Ben Lerner and the Novel in the Age of Digital Media’The International Journal of the Book, 15:3 2017

‘Arriving in Ferrara: Ali Smith’s How to Be Both and Francesco del Cossa at the Palazzo Schifanoia’, Avidly – Los Angeles Review of Books, January 2017